Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Weekly... Volume 12

Well Sunday came and went and there was no blog... but I can't tell you how busy I was last weekend. Actually I could tell you, but I won't tell you because it'll probably sound like one of those boring travel emails where your friend goes here and there and wasn't that amazing and wasn't that beautiful and I never realised they did that and this is such an amazing experience I can't tell you... I think you know the ones I am talking about.

Anyway, the only amazing experience I can remember from the weekend was playing a gig on Saturday night (ahem... covers gig.... you didn't hear that...) and from my vast collection of obscure cover songs that no-one would ever know were cover songs because they never really garnered all that much attention from the General Public, i picked one that was more obscure than most - and lo and behold some drunk fella wearing a scarf stood beside the stage and sung along word for word. And anyway I thought that was cool. Perhaps "amazing" is slightly overstating, but cool nonetheless.

Now if you'll allow me to slip into semi-diary-entry mode, I am really looking forward to getting over to Europe! Just 2 weeks to go... It's not that I haven't enjoyed being back home (although I have lost my hard-earned Phuket tan...), but I've got a good feeling about getting over there and playing to some new audiences. The other night I sat up for 6 hours watching the US Open Golf 18-hole playoff between Tiger Woods and Rocco Mediate.... which has no relevance to independent music tours in Europe, except for the fact that during this time I was sending emails to 500,000 people trying to book more shows for my trip. And wouldn't you know it, I managed to get a couple more - including one in Brighton 2 days after I arrive. So thanks to Mr Woods for that one - couldn't have done it without you mate.

I am keeping the gigs updated as they come in. A fairly time-consuming process, but it keeps ticking away. So keep an eye out - I might be coming to your neck of the woods! (Your neck of the Tiger Woods perhaps... oh dear I am sorry. I could have deleted that, but I wanted you to experience my brilliant sense of the pun...). I will also have with me a limited edition Live Album, which features songs recorded at a few different venues whilst touring over the past 6 months. Nice to have a new product, even if it's not an "official" one... What is official anyway?

Before I go, there is one last show at The Excelsior in Surry Hills - and that's tomorrow night (25th June) with The Falls, Sarah Humphreys and Cookie Baker (SA). May even be the best one of the month, plus it's like the European tour farewell gig, so come on down if you can! Dare I say it, we'll probably have a beer or two afterwards...Check the Gigs on my page for more info...

And on that note, I will bid you farewell. (If you made it this far that is...). Hope you are well, and I might catch you at a show sometime soon.

Cheers for now,


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