Friday, November 15, 2013

Day 50-something, I've lost count, Umbria, Italy

Hello again folks, greetings from a record store in Perugia. Not where I'm staying, but I took a day trip here instead of going to Rome. It seems a shame to be so close to Rome and miss out, but you know by that logic you could do all sorts of things all the time and end up being very very tired (this is the usual logic I live by, hence the expert knowledge on this style of travelling). So for once, I've decided to take it easy for a few days, and accept that there will be future trips to Rome, or maybe not, or maybe somewhere else, but right now I'm enjoying Umbria, a beautiful part of the world in it's own right. Why am I here? Well because of a Yoga class in Avalon, obviously. Because as we all know if you attend a Yoga class in Avalon, you end up meeting someone from Italy, who then becomes a good friend and invites you to stay with her in Gaglioli for a few days (pictured). And you'd have to be mad to pass up an offer like that. Even madder than being 2hrs from Rome and not visiting perhaps...?! Peace. I'm at peace with this decision.

And in addition to thanking my good friend Sara for inviting me to experience Umbria for the first time (and playing flute with me last night!), I must also thank her sister Valentina, who runs a vintage clothing shop in Foligno (Vintageroom Foligno), the venue for last night's concert. I'm not entirely sure how much of my ramblings were understood by the mainly Italian-speaking audience, but I've had a similar problem with English-speaking crowds in the past, such is the nature of my oft-nonsensical banter between songs (although I'd like to think I'm on the improve....). And comprehension aside, it was great to play my first gig in a vintage clothing shop! Why did I have to come all the way to Italy to do that I wonder? I'm not sure exactly, but I'm glad I did. And I'm glad I started going to Rick's Yoga classes in Avalon, for the Yoga and the new friendships. Anyway here I am with the beautiful Trabalza sisters of Foligno/Gaglioli, not long after the show, when we'd all finished having a late night cup of herbal tea. Why drink beer when you can have tea with honey? This is my type of place!

And so that'll do me for the time being, it's been a relaxing few days and a nice little wind-down in Umbria. The picture below is from Assisi, of St Francis fame. A special place indeed. Tomorrow I'm heading north again, back to Berlin, then off to London for the last show of the tour. Would you like to come along? You really should, it'll be awesome. Guaranteed awesome. My very good friends are playing, and I hope to have a few more friends there to celebrate the end of a wonderful few months on the road. Click here if you'd like to find out a little more...

Ciao for now! x

PS - Anyone in Innsbruck tomorrow?

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