Monday, November 02, 2009

THE ARENA out this Friday 6th November

Well folks would you believe it... after all this time.... my third studio album is being released this Friday 6th November through MGM distribution. It seems an age since we did the last one. It IS an age since we did the last one - 26 Reasons - way back in 2005. Can you remember 2005? I can't... I took some time out, paid off some debts, thought about being an accountant, thought about being a sports reporter, and even contemplated a life as a highly paid male model (only that last part was in a dream where I was living in a spaceship....). The point being - you learn a lot about yourself when you are on a spaceship, and though I tried to get away, the music kept on bringing me back you see. Back to earth. In a good way. So I am going to resist the urge to put a triple exclamation point in the subject line of this email and just say instead - thanks for being a part of the journey. Really it's through the support of people such as yourselves that I am even typing this email in the first place. So cheers to you!

(If you want all the other stuff that appears in a music mailout, then read on...)


Right! Hello! Who was that guy up there? He was a bit ..erm... sentimental and stuff wouldn't you say? And I know that you know that we all know that the point of these things is is information like this:

ALBUM LAUNCH!!! (There's my triple exclamation point)

The not-to-be-missed one-off mega-spectacular spectacular.... How often do you get to see a 10-piece band?!

38 Oxford St, Darlinghurst
With Special Guests Ten Thumb Tom and Lanie Lane

Advance tix still available via MOSHTIX
Should still be a few available at the door for $15, but you never know...
Doors open 7.30pm. Music from 8pm.

And if you can, be sure to get there early to see the support acts. Two of my favourite local artists - I am really stoked they are on the bill for the launch.



After years of being consistently ranked in the world's top ten worst websites, has undergone a resurgence of sorts. It's still near the bottom, but nowhere near as close. And all the tour dates are now here:

It's a pretty big tour - taking in Sydney, Newcastle, Canberra, Melbourne, Hobart, Adelaide, Perth, Brisbane, Byron and a whole lot more.. If you know anyone in the areas I am visiting, then feel free to drop them a line and let them know I'm coming. I promise not to talk about spaceships.



Here's the nitty gritty... The Album will be available on iTunes from this Friday 6th November. It's an independent release, so I don't have a whole bunch of important people making sure every record store in the country has ten copies. If you'd like to get your hands on the physical product, then you have a few options:

(i) Come to one of the shows on the album launch tour! (I am putting this option first because it's the best by far! But I would say that...)

(ii) Order a copy online from Waterfront Records (you can even do that now if you like...)

(iii) Take a stroll to your local record store and order a copy there. They'll be able to get it for you no probs. It just might take a few days...

A big thanks to Belinda Cairelli for doing such an amazing job on the artwork - way better than the stick figures I would have come up with.... And my good friend Anthony Pearse for taking the cover photograph. Someone told me the other day it looks like Kelly Slater. Ha! Hello Ladies!



Hows about we concentrate on these guys... If you get the sudden urge....

Not saying that you will of course, but just in case....



It would be rude of me not to give these folks a plug. They have been great friends and great supporters of mine for many years. If you're in Sydney, then you should definitely check out the latest production from the supremely talented Holly Austin and Adriano Cappelletta - CUBBYHOUSE. I am heading along to see it myself this week - by all reports it's an absolute riot, and well worth seeing if you're up for a bit of live theatre and something different from the norm... (Very "Live-theatre-novice" friendly too!). There are special Beer/Laksa/Show offers on offer - check it out:



I hope....

Thanks again for your support,


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