Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Weekly... Volume 29

So I continue to battle away up here in recording land. I can't figure out why it takes so long sometimes to complete the most inane tasks. Little doodling guitar parts, the takes, the retakes, the rethinks, the retrys... It's a bit crazy. I figure if you ever want to get someone committed, just send them off to a house in the country by themselves with a bunch of recording gear and tell them to make an album. There's a better than even chance they'll drive themselves insane. Fortuantely my slip into the land of madness is currently being tempered as a result of me being heavily sedated by antibiotics. This must be the first time in years that I have actually had two weeks "off", and then lo and behold I manage to get a throat infection. I don't need to tell you that this makes the recording of an album fairly problematic at best. Unless I was trying to do a Louis Armstrong tribute record of course. But unfortunately I am not. I am trying to do a Renny Field record. And I don't think I sound like Louis Armstrong. At least not yet anyway.

In more positive news, it looks like I will be receiving a cheque for $900 some time in the near future. And whilst I completely disagree with the concept of handing out cash to fix the economy, I would like to thank Kevin Rudd for paying for the first run of copies of the new album. Who needs a recording contract when you've got the Australian goverment.

So that's the buzz. Word out.

PS. Assuming I have recovered in time, there is a show this Wednesday which is worth checking out. Have a look at the gig guide.

PPS. Cough cough cough

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