Now, Brett Winterford has since progressed to far bigger and better things than filming Renny Field performing with Elvis impersonators. In fact, he's currently touring through Europe to support the release of his new solo EP, which is quite a wonderful little collection of tunes I must say. You can find out more and have a listen here:
I'll be seeing Brett again in a few weeks time to perform in Hamburg as part of the Campus Open AIr Festival, and he'll also be back here at the end of July to perform with me at the Troubadour in Earls Court. Details for those shows and my other upcoming tour dates should be at the bottom here somewhere.....
And whilst we're on the topic of shows, I should mention one that I'm starting to get a little bit excited about.....
It's been a while coming, but I'm looking forward to launching the new album at one of the best acoustic rooms in London. Gonna be a great night with a few special guests, and I'd love to have you along to help celebrate. I've set up an event page on facebook which I'll be passing round in the near future, and whilst I don't like to ask for things as a rule, if you were able to forward the details on to anyone you know in London who might be interested, that would be a huge help and much appreciated!
For those of you who'd like to hear it in advance, a little reminder that the album is now for sale online via bandcamp. iTunes to come soon, but bandcamp is so much cooler.... And if you don't want to buy it straight away, you're welcome to listen for free.
Finally I should also mention a nice little night I'm playing this Sunday 17th called Broken Folk at the Battersea Mess and Music Hall. Wonderful old venue with couches at the ready for a lazy Sunday evening of acoustic music. Doors 6.30pm, 4 acts, and only £3 to get in. I reckon that's a pretty good deal...
That'll do me for now, a little bit more news on the horizon, but I gotta save myself something interesting to tell you next time round, especially now I've played my trump card there with Dave Elvis. Perhaps I'll leave you instead with a beautiful little tune from an artist I saw for the first time last night. There will always be a place in the world for music like this...
Catch you soon,
www.rennyfield.com www.reverbnation.com/rennyfield www.facebook.com/rennyfield www.youtube.com/rennyfield www.twitter.com/rennyfield
SUN 17TH JUNE Broken Folk @ The Battersea Mess and Music Hall Solo show. Doors 6.30pm, Entry £3 http://www.facebook.com/BrokenFolk http://www.batterseamessandmusichall.com/
TUES 26TH JUNE The Troubadour, Earls Court 263 Old Brompton Rd, London, SW5 9JA Solo show. Doors 8pm. £6 http://www.troubadour.co.uk
FRIDAY 6TH JULY Campus Open Air Festival, Hamburg Pony Bar, 7pm, With Brett Winterford and more. Tix and info on the website: http://campusopenair.wordpress.com/
TUES 31ST JULY The Troubadour, Earls Court 263 Old Brompton Rd, London, SW5 9JA Solo show. With Brett Winterford. Doors 8pm. £6 http://www.troubadour.co.uk
THURS 23RD AUGUST FIELDNOTES ALBUM LAUNCH The Bedford, Balham 77 Bedford Hill, SW12 9HD More info to come... www.thebedford.co.uk
Plus more dates to be announced....
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