Fieldnotes the Album
Handmade and delivered to your door...
Well folks it's been a while since the last update, but I wanted to give you some good news to kick things off again and I figured a new album was decent enough reason to get back on the airwaves. So.... I'm happy to announce that "Fieldnotes" is hot off the press and ready to roll!
Recorded with my good mate and producer Kent Eastwood, the album is a collection of tunes I've written these past few years whilst wandering around the globe with my guitar and a suitcase. Many of these songs came from the time I spent in the Irish winter, tucked away in a small cottage on the Sheep's Head peninsula (well worth a look if you're ever over that way...). Some of you may remember a series of videos I posted from Ireland some time ago - I guess this new album is the finished version of those songs, with a few more that I've written in the time since then. Here's the full track listing:
The Mission, Half a man, Doin' the time, That morning, Rhythm, The best things, All the love, Start again, Lifeline, If my love returns to me, Breathless, Perfect.
I've put a couple of tracks on my soundcloud page if you'd like to head on over and take a listen....
We started tracking about a year ago in an abandoned timber shack in Glen Innes, spent a bit of time mixing by correspondence between Glen Innes and London, and more recently finished the project at my mother's house in Avalon, just north of Sydney. It's a bit crazy when you think about it - writing songs in Ireland, recording them in Glen Innes, mixing them in London and tying it all together in Avalon - but that's a bit representative of the life I've been living, and whilst it hasn't always been the easiest existence, I guess I wouldn't have it any other way. The title of the album - Fieldnotes - was just about the best thing I could come up with to describe this journey and the songs that came with it. Funnily enough, I typed "Fieldnotes" into Wikipedia (just to make sure it wasn't a hip-hop collaboration between Madonna and Jay-Z.....), and found this:
"accounts describing experiences and observations the researcher has made while participating in an intense and involved manner"
Seemed to me a pretty accurate description....
So how do you get a copy?!
The album will be available at my shows and as a digital release (iTunes etc) in the not too distant future, but I thought I'd make the first few physical copies available to those of you on the mailing list, just as a way of saying thanks for your support over the years. The packaging has been stamped front and back by hand, and each copy comes with a handwritten book of lyrics to all the songs. The picture at the top of the email should give you a good idea of what they look like... (Quite proud to say I designed the artwork myself for this one - not such a bad effort considering a stick man with a hat is about the best I've ever come up with previously, and the hat was pretty average...).
For those of you who order the album with me directly, I am able to personalise the CD (ie to"Your name"), and I will sign and date each copy. So... if you're in the market for some new tunes, here are the steps you need to take:
* Send an email to renny@rennyfield.com to let me know you'd like to order a copy.
* For Australian and UK residents, please indicate if you'd like to pay by bank transfer or Paypal (for those of you in other parts of the world, Paypal only at this stage).
* Let me know what name(s) you'd like on the CD. If you'd like more than one copy (ie for a gift or something similar), then let me know who the other copies are for.
* Finally, I'll need your address! So I can send it to you. Which is sort of the point... (I can also send alternate copies to different addresses if you let me know who/where etc).
So assuming that all works without too much of a hitch, I'll then send through payment instructions and also let you know when I've put the CD in the mail!
For this initial release, the Albums will be $25 AUD, inclusive of postage & handling. (For multiple orders - $25 for the first CD, $20 each thereafter).
I will be in the UK/Europe again from mid-April so I thought I'd just keep the amount inclusive of postage, that way it's always the same regardless of where I happen to be at the time you order. Figured that was about as fair as I could be. The album will cost a little less once it's on iTunes, but if you're a fan of opening little parcels and you'd like the real thing, delivered to your door, then this is your best option...
Anyway that'll do me for now I think. Below is a link to a few pics from an album launch preview we did at High Tea in Sydney a few weeks ago, featuring the brother Eastwood on keys and my actual brother, Matt Field, on drums/percussion. Thanks to the guys at High Tea for a wonderful night as always, and to Dave Vagg for the great pics.
And finally, before I go, a BIG congrats and good luck to my brother and his fiance Belinda, who are getting married this Saturday 7th April! Awesome squared.
Till next time, love and high fives to you all.
A few shows to announce in Europe this year, but will have more information available soon.... Just the one to tell you about for now:
The Troubadour
263 Old Brompton Rd,
Earls Court
For updated listings / tour dates, visit:
House concerts...
Last night I was fortunate enough to play a wonderful little house concert with my good mate Kent Eastwood in Collaroy. Thought I'd mention it here because we had such a great time. House concerts are a great chance to unwind with old friends and new, and often provide the perfect setting for acoustic music. If you're interested in organising something similar, wherever you happen to be, then please drop me a line and maybe we can figure something out...
Other ideas/suggestions?
I'm a good listener!
Let's get connected!
I've got a new facebook page running, so if you'd like to like it by clicking like, here's the link:
Otherwise there are a few alternatives...
www.rennyfield.com (Tried and trusted)
www.twitter.com/rennyfeld (Potential to excite and/or disappoint)
www.youtube.com/rennyfield (For the eyes and ears)
www.soundcloud.com/rennyfield (For the ears only)
www.somethingelseicantquiterememberatthemoment.com (Hmmm....)
And finally, an oldie but a goodie...
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