Monday, April 14, 2008

The Weekly... Volume 4

True to my word, you're always going to get something... even if it is late on a Sunday night yet again. But not too much tonight, as it's the final round of the Masters in the morning. And I am a Masters tragic - ever since I used to get up and watch Greg Norman - so many emotions - much like the North Sydney Bears rugby league team... But that's another story.

Poem this week:

"Most of the time
We just tow the line
Walking in Circles
With the end nowhere in sight

Girl of the wine
So sweet and divine
One day with you
And everything's just fine

Don't get me wrong
This here ain't a love poem
I just got something in my veins

You came along
and I finally found my happy song
It came from you and your simple ways"

This is an unfinished song you see - and one day I will finish it - hence making it a finished song. But until then, you'll have to put up with this...

Solo show @ Wollongong Uni
Music from 4pm at the Uni Bar.

And maybe this...

Full Band Show @ The Brass Monkey
Supported by Jak Housden (The Whiltlams)
and Kitch (Kitch)
Bookings on 9544 3844
(This one will be a good one!)

And finally a few observations from the week that was:

Nothing significant to report.

Same as monday.

Went to Adelaide for a show - it was great! They call it Radelaide down there... or the "Big A". I actually really like the place. Thanks to the Grace Emily once again, and to all you folks (Jaan, Alice, Eli et al...) to happened to wander down for the gig. Unlike the last trip, it was just my own show this time round, so I got to play through a fair bit of material - including a few old songs that I rarely get the chance to play any more. Based on the way I played them, I think I should probably practice playing them a bit more often, but there you go - lesson learned. How cool is the Grace Emily?! It's very cool. Almost didn't get to the show however, courtesy of my making the check-in time by about 2 seconds... In fact, I was so late that my bag had the "Last Bag" tag on it when I collected it at Adelaide Airport. And as late as I have been in the past, I don't think I have ever had the honour of being the "Last Bag". This is not something I will be trying to replicate...

Ikea for breakfast!
No, we didn't try to eat the store, although I'm sure you could probably eat parts of it if you really wanted to.... In fact, a friend of mine took me to Ikea to get a cooked breakfast for $1.95. No sh... $1.95!! This includes Bacon, Scrambled Eggs, Hash Brown, Baked Beans, Tomatoes and Toast. Also, you can get bottomless Coffee for $2.00. Now this is not a cooked breakfast to write home about, but it fills the hole pretty well, and I did manage to circumnavigate the entire Ikea store.... nearly twice in fact... without buying a single thing! An Ikea store is both fascinating and terrifying all at the same time... Also, when you've finished walking round the store, you can buy a hot dog and bottomless Pepsi for $2.
And on the subject of meals, the Exeter Pub in Adelaide does a great Curry on Wednesday nights.... And the Grace Emily (where I ended up again - to watch a gig) serves a great Pint of Coopers Pale. (Pint in South Australia being a Schooner in New South Wales of course.... I never get that... there must have been someone who did it first... and then did they change the name each time they started a new state? Surely there are more effective ways to give a new state it's own drinking identity....).

Now I did at some point on Thursday afternoon manage to do an interview and a couple of live songs at Radio Adelaide with a lovely girl by the name of Lisa - who happens to be traveling to Nepal in a few weeks time to make a documentary on women in the media. I suggested that if she wanted to do a documentary about women in the media, there were probably easier ways to go about it than catching a bus 10hrs north of Kathmandu - but hey what an experience! As for the interview, I think it well, but I may have sounded like a tosser.... In which case I am fortunate that it is being aired in another state, and I most likely will never have to hear my incessant rambling. Which sounds like this blog would sound if you read it out aloud, only much worse I am sure...

(Did anyone actually try reading the blog out aloud there? I hope not....)

Home sweet home.
Thanks Cookie for your spare bed.
There is a good fish burger shop in Surry Hills.

Much of life is about swallowing ones pride. If you want a really good mouthful, I suggest playing a covers gig to a room full of drunk people and coming to terms with the fact that the applause you get for a bad version of "Brown Eyed Girl" could potentially exceed anything you are ever likely to receive for your own music...

Manu Vatuvai scored two tries for the Warriors.

Until next time, stay well peoples.


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