So here we are at sound check yesterday, 'The Vondoful Australian Songwriters Collective' getting ready to play for 1200 or so students, parents and dignitaries at the University of Magdeburg. Not the type of thing you do every day, although if someone asked me to I probably wouldn't mind! The band itself was brought together at the last minute to fill in for another act who weren't able to make it... a quick-fire collaboration between myself, Brett Winterford, Kent Eastwood and Tim McMillan. Tim is currently based in Germany, the rest of us just happened to be here at the same time... it's nice when the planets align, even if it only lasts for 3 songs and the majority of the listening audience probably have no idea what you were singing about... ! A great chance to catch up with your mates on the other side of the world, knowing that the opportunity would never had presented itself had you not all decided to pursue your passion, just to see where it takes you... Also pretty cool when you make the local paper the following morning, although I'm not sure how they missed Brett and Kent (particularly Brett!). And why are those guys near the front nodding off.... come on fellas, give us a chance!

As always, it's a big thanks to Lena and the VondoMachine for making something like this possible in the first place. I played my first gig in Germany around 5yrs ago in Magdeburg, a little 'gig crawl' Lena had arranged with a local duo called 'Once upon a rooftop' (friends of ours I'll play with in Helmstedt on October 12). Five years on, I was playing a song I played on that first trip, only this time it was to 1200 people. And sure they weren't all there to hear me specifically, but even so, it's fair to say I had a bit of a moment... Glad I was able to share it with people who are important to me...
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