Thursday, September 19, 2013

Day 2, Monchengladbach to Cologne

Hello again! 2 days in a row, this is promising... Just went for a run along the river here in Cologne, home to one of the most spectacular cathedrals in Europe. I can't understand how religion can give us things of such incredible beauty, yet also be resposible for so much anger and destruction in the world. This is one of the things that makes it hard for me to be 'religious' in a classical sense... Who's to say which religion is the right one, which faith is pure, which god is the greatest? Yet so often decisions are made, wars are fought on this basis. Ultimately I think there should be room for all faiths, or non-faiths. People have a right to choose the belief systems that resonate with them, whatever they may be.

Where did that come from? I'm not sure... but there you go.

In other news... did you realise that we should open bananas from the bottom up? Really. This is something I learnt yesterday morning in Monchengladbach. And that's one of the things I love about touring, the fact that I can spend my whole life doing something a certain way, and then suddenly discover there is a better way after meeting someone in a small town on the other side of the world. Sure enough, it's much better to open from the bottom! Then you can take care of that seed bit or whatever it is before you start eating... Try it for yourself, you'd be amazed. Thanks Gero for the tip!

Bananas aside, it was a fairly quiet day yesterday, puctuated by a trip to the supermarket and the drive to Cologne. Which is actually Koln in German. Why would we change that in English? And for that matter, why do we call it Germany when it's actually Deuthschland? I don't have an answer... anyone? Hmmm.... tackling the big questions...

The show last night (pictured) was in a hostel in the middle of town. There was a chance we weren't going to make it there for a second, what with the one-way streets here doing their best to throw us off the scent, but we arrived with time to spare, courtesy of the sat-nav and a bit of local knowledge in the form of our generous host Anna. A small but appreciative crowd for the show, and a wonderful little venue. Any place that gives you a nice stage and no TAB has got my vote! A big thanks to Weltempfaenger for hosting the gig, hope to have another chance to play there again in the future...

(They also make a great Apple Pie. Sweet tooth has kicked in. Dear me, I think the waistline might be in trouble...)

Thanks to everyone for coming down on a rainy Wednesday night, good to be making new friends on the other side of the world. Germenglish stage banter still a work in progress but we'll get there...!

I feel like a banana. Next stop Duisburg...


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