Greeting music lovers and welcome if you're new to the el mailo listo, wealth of not entirely relevant information that it is....
First things first - I have encountered some brilliant displays of marketing on my travels around Australia. The "Best steak sandwich in NSW" and the "Best coffee outside Italy" spring to mind. (Both of which were put to the test and didn't quite live up to the billing...). But if you're after an understated approach, then I think I've found the place for you (see attached pic) - just off Merewether Beach in Newastle. A simple but brilliant strategy you would have to agree - "Hot" coffee. I particularly like the way they have highlighted the word "Hot", because let's face it that really is the most important part of the coffee. Say nothing of the flavour, the aroma, the beans, the quality of the coffee itself.... Let's just go with "hot". People pay millions for top ad execs to sit up all night pontificating round the boardroom table, and yet the folks at swell espresso bar have figured it all out in 2mins on a fold-up chalkboard. Outstanding!
Anyway would you believe it, I somehow managed to resist the temptation to sample the local brew, and I'm now sending you this email from the peaceful surrounds of Port Macquarie. Well, peaceful enough by day perhaps, but not always so peaceful at night.... It was this time last year that a friendly local chap offered me what was perhaps the greatest compliment of my not-so-illustrious career, and I quote:
"You are the worst f....ing entertainer I have ever seen!!"
Dare I say it, I think that's what happens when you drink too much hot coffee....
Plenty of shows coming up, so might catch you there!
FRI 4 MAR - Port Macquarie Hotel. 9pm
SAT 5 MAR - Newcastle Food & Wine Fair. Lambton Park. 2pm
SAT 5 MAR - Stag & Hunter, Mayfield. 9pm.
SUN 6 MAR - Tacking Point Tavern. 3pm.
MON 7 MAR - Bondi FM Cafe. 8pm. On air 88.0FM Sydney.
TUE 8 MAR - Cafe Lounge, Surry Hills. 8pm.
WED 9 MAR - Hollywood Hotel Sydney, with The Falls. 8pm.
SUN 13 MAR - Landsdowne Hotel, Sydney. 5pm.
FRI 18 MAR - Locomotive Hotel, Junee. 9pm. (Who's coming with me?!?!)
SUN 20 MAR - Tathra Hotel. 2pm.
FRI 25 MAR - Commercial Hotel, Gulgong. 8pm
SAT 26 MAR - Oriental Hotel, Mudgee. 8pm
MON 18 APR - Opera Bar, Sydney. 8pm.
FRI 29 APR - Brass Monkey, Cronulla. Supporting Ian Moss. 8pm.
WED 4 MAY - Lizottes, Kincumber. 8pm
WED 11 MAY - Lizottes, Dee Why. 8pm
PLUS more to be announced. Best to keep an eye on the website:
You might remember I was doing a video blog / new song testing thingy on youtube for a couple of months. Turns out someone was actually watching those things (really?!), and the good people at An Lar TV have turned my "Songs from Ireland" into a 4-part series which is currently on rotation on the channel. It's an online TV station in Ireland, so some time adjustment required... But check it out some time if you feel like it. Nice of them to take an interest.
A big thanks to my friends Sam, Kent and Sarah. Nice to be a part of our little "band" again, albeit briefly, after my time in the wilderness. They are all doing some pretty cool things, so here are their links for you:
And here are a few vids if you're interested:
Will be heading back for the summer, so stay tuned for dates to be announced.
I left my guitar in Ireland you see, so I'll have to go and get it....
See you soon!
Finally - Is anyone in Sydney selling a cheap car? Just on the off chance...
Ok that's all.
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