Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Ultimate Christmas Spectacular Spectacular. Sun 21 Dec

WAY more spectacular than your average spectacular.... I promise!


At the moment, we have 8 people playing with the band on Sunday. This number could grow depending on who I manage to round up in the next few days. We also have a suggestion for the band name - "Renny Field and the Beautiful Shambles". Because I like to have lots of different people playing with us. Makes things interesting. What do you think?

Like the Baby Shambles, but without the crack habit.

64 Foveaux Street, Surry Hills
Doors open 5pm. Music from 6pm sharp.

With Brett Winterford (Peregrine).

and a Special Mystery Guest!!

No I'm not telling you who he is... Or she... You'll have to come and see for yourselves.

Tix $10 at the Door. Food available at the venue. And drinks of course. Pubs usually sell drinks.

We will be setting up a Christmas Tree at the venue, and we are asking people to bring a Christmas present for a small child to put beneath the tree. The presents will then be given to the Smith Family for their annual Christmas present appeal. It's not much, but it might help Santa get to a few more homes in time for the big day. The Smith Family have asked that each present be labeled with Male/Female and a rough age group. This will assist with the distribution. Doesn't have to be a big present, but anything you could manage would be great. Thanks!
(And thanks to my brother for that great idea).

Just when you thought it couldn't get any more spectacular, my Grandfather has decided to run a raffle for one of his famous paintings (well they should be famous). How good is that? I reckon you'll love it. And all the proceeds from the raffle will be going straight to the Smith Family. That was mighty nice of him I thought, so if you don't particularly like my music you could at least stop by to have a chat with Gramps and buy a ticket in the raffle. You might even get a new painting on the wall for Christmas!

I am excited!!

But I will stop using exclamation marks now...

Hope to see you there.



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