Wednesday, November 07, 2007

November Offer


Hello!... I have devised a plan. It involves music, computers, CD's, texta, Australia post - and me and you.


Slowly the pieces of the puzzle are coming together for the next Album. It's been a fairly long process of saving the money, getting the songs together and getting the gear I need, but it's all taking shape pretty nicely now - I am looking towards a release date sometime early next year which is pretty exciting.

However I am aware it's been a long break between recordings, and thus I've come up with a special offer for the faithful few. (That means you!).

You may recall that back in August I did a live recording at Bar Me in Kings Cross. Turns out we had 13 songs that ended up being good enough for me to want to hear them again...... (I think that left 3 or 4 that were ... err..... crap.....). Anyway, as a way of thanking you for sticking with me through this long break between CD's, I am offering a copy of this live recording for $10.00!!

That's 13 Tracks for $10!!

Too cheap you say? Well yes, but this is not an official "release" so to speak - I am actually going to burn you a copy of the live recording, write the track names for you, and post it out.

"But what about the texta?" I hear you say. Ah the texta - yes - the texta. That's the part where I write you each a personal message on the CD - possibly also an illustration if I am feeling particularly creative at time of burning - which will ensure that everyone gets a truly unique "limited edition". No two copies will ever be the same!

Essentially I will be using the money from this exercise to put towards finishing off the new album, but I guess it's also a preview of a few of the newer songs, and a chance to hear some of the old ones in a different setting.


Please send an email to with the details of how many copies you would like and who they are for. Also please clearly state the address you would like your CD(s) sent to.

As this is an offer for myspace friends and the mailing list, I am assuming everyone is on-line... so payment will be via EFT on the internet. Total cost will be $10 + $3 P&H.

Once you have placed your order, I will forward you payment instructions. Then it's just a matter of transferring the money, and the CD will be on it's way!!

Too easy.

This offer is also extended to friends/relatives who are not yet on the mailing list - all they need to do is sign up by sending an email to . So if you think there's someone out there who could use a burned CD with some artistic markings and a few decent tunes, then send them over this way!

See you soon then.



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